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Wednesday, April 8, 2009


1 Onion, chopped
2 Hot chilli Peppers, seeded and chopped
2 Tomatoes, chopped
1 Garlic Clove, chopped
1 tbsp coarsely chopped Coriander
3 tbsp Lime Juice
900g/2 lb Sole, Flounder or Plaice fillets, cut into 5cm/ 2 inch pieces
90ml/3fl.oz. Water
60ml/2fl.oz. Dende or Olive Oil

1. Place the onion, chili pepper, tomatoes, garlic, coriander, salt and lime juice in a blender or food processor and puree until quite smooth.

2. Place the fish in a shallow dish and pour the puree mixture over the top. Mix lightly, cover with clingfilm and leave to marinate for 1 hour.

3. Transfer the fish mixture together with the puree to a saucepan, add the water and half the oil. Bring to simmering point, stirring then cover and simmer for 5-10 minutes until the fish is done.

4. Add the remaining oil and heat for 1 minute mixing well. Serve hot with rice.

2-Muqueca de Peixe com

1,5kg. de pintado em postas
Sal, pimenta-do-reino, salsa e orégano a gosto
3 dentes de alho amassados
1/2 xícara (café) de azeite
2 tomates cortados em rodelas
1 pimentão verde picado
1 vidro de leite de coco (200ml)
1 lata de creme de leite
1 lata de molho de tomate
500g. de camarão sete-barbas

Tempere o peixe com sal, pimenta e o alho. Em
uma panela funda, refogue o azeite, o tomate, o
pimentão, salsa e orégano. Adicione o peixe, tampe a
panela cozinhe em fogo baixo por 30 minutos. À parte,
isture o leite de coco, o creme de leite, o molho
de tomate e os camaróes. Despeje sobre o peixe
na panela, deixe aquecer e sirva

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